Good Friday

Today I could not help but notice a certain joyfulness in my heart. Not only because it is the start of the weekend but because today is the recognition of the sacrifice Jesus made because He loves me. I am unworthy and yet He became human, endured abuse and torment, and suffered willingly in order to save my soul and the souls of all mankind. That love should make me overjoyed to be alive and serve Him every single day. I should always make room for that gratefulness and willingness to sacrifice for a Father that did all He humanly could to show us we are loved.

It has always been intriguing to me that most atheists, agnostics, or people that believe but do not profess, celebrate Easter. My ex boyfriend was atheist, my boss is an atheist, and I have several coworkers who admit that faith is not an important part of their life. Yet they all celebrate Easter, Christmas, St. Patrick’s Day, St. Valentine’s Day, Halloween (derived from All Saint’s Day and All Soul’s Day), and so on. This is not to say those people are bad but it saddens me that they miss out on the history of these celebrations. These days are reminders of what God and His followers have done for us.

Every time that someone said “Happy Easter” today it was equivalent to me hearing them say “Glory to God” or “He is Risen”. We should be screaming it from the rooftops today and this weekend in celebration that life has meaning because God has washed away our iniquities. It reminds us that we can choose to either live a mundane repetitive life until we reach our feared and despairing death or we can live a life of purpose knowing it is all worth it because our creator loves and forgives us. We can live and die joyfully knowing we will reunite with God eternally if we live out our faith honestly and passionately.

“He advanced a little and fell prostrate in prayer saying, ‘My Father, if it is possible, let this cup pass from me; yet, not as I will, but as you will” Mt 26, 39. What a powerful and brutally honest moment in Scripture. This moment of agony prior to his arrest in the garden symbolizes that Jesus was a man of flesh and blood who was physically and emotionally distressed about what He knew was to come. He was subject to the devil as well who was trying with all His might to prevent Him from saving our souls. His own disciples would not even stay awake with Him and yet He persevered with God’s plan.

He also says in that same reading of Matthew that “the spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak.” Jesus related to the human weaknesses and witnessed them among even his closest followers. Some of the men that revered Him and loved him deeply ended up betraying and denying Him. Those men chose to do that but He still allowed them to seek forgiveness if they were sincere because He is an amazing and just God. We work so hard to impress others when in reality we should be doing everything we can to make Jesus proud. It is only his view of us that matters and He loves us but we must know Him, love Him, and serve Him in return.

So let today, Good Friday, be a reminder that everyday is precious and we must make every moment worthy of glorifying God because he gave up His life for us to live. Every day we have a chance to live out that love and faith with His guidance and care. Let us be aware of all we have been given and allow ourselves to live selflessly so as to please our Savior Jesus Christ. Happy Easter weekend and God Bless!